Could you Benefit from Functional Medicine Testing?

Digestive Health, Hormone Health, Immunity

What is Functional Medicine Testing

For a better understanding of your health, often specialized testing can provide insights to get a full picture of the root cause of the symptoms you are experiencing. Offered by our naturopathic doctors, these specialized tests are used often to focus treatments for hormonal issues, digestive concerns, fatigue, metabolic health as well as fertility support. Testing allows us to understand your unique physiological requirements and barriers to health, and ensures we are targeting treatment appropriate.

Testing we Offer

From reproductive health to digestive health, without understanding what is happening internally, targeted and customized treatment is often not possible. With guidance from our naturopathic doctors in Toronto, you are able to obtain the necessary tests along the appropriate analysis and interpretation. Below are some of the tests that we offer.

Advanced Hormone Testing

When it comes to hormone testing, there are three types of ways to test them: saliva, urine and blood. Saliva tests measure the amount of free, unbound hormone available to act on a target tissue. Blood tests for hormones accurately test peptide hormones in the body such as FSH, LH, prolactin and fasting insulin. Urine testing is a more dynamic test which tests the metabolites of hormones. This is useful in understanding how you are clearing hormones and the function of your detox mechanisms. A test we use a lot at our clinic that uses urine to test hormones is the Dutch Test.

Food Intolerance Testing

Symptoms associated with food sensitivities develop slowly over time, creating inflammation and contribute to symptoms of a variety of diseases. The test that we generally use for Food Intolerance Testing is called RMA FST which measures levels of IgG antibodies of up to 222 different foods via blood draw.

SIBO Testing

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, is caused when bacteria that are normally present in the large intestine start to grow in the small intestine. This causes problems because many of these bacteria and other single cell organisms called archaea ferment sugars to produce gasses.


The GI-MAP tests for amounts of good and bad bacteria, H. Pylori, Candida, and other parasites in a stool sample, and in addition, measures leakage due to leaky gut syndrome. It is an improvement on previously standard techniques which relied on culturing a bacteria sample, as unlike a culture, GI-MAP is able to detect species of bacteria which cannot grow under normal conditions. Some reasons that one may want do a GI-MAP test would be if you have digestive complaints, IBS, skin problems, diabetes, weight loss issues, mood disorders, brain fog or autoimmune diseases.

If you are curious to learn more about functional medicine testing and think that you may benefit from one of these tests, book an appointment with one of our Naturopathic doctors today!

Reach out today to book your appointment today.

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