Nutrition For PCOS

Foundations of Health

woman sitting at a table drinking fresh pressed juice

Hormone Health & Your Diet

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder where the ovaries produce excess androgens (male hormones) leading to weight gain, irregular menstruation, infertility, and hair growth. Although the name implies cystic ovaries, not all women with this disorder have follicles on their ovaries and some women have polycystic ovaries without having polycystic ovary syndrome.

At West End Women’s Health, we recognize that low-carbohydrate diet plans and focusing on weight loss goals do not lead to sustained change and can actually increase cardiovascular risk factors and lead to body dissatisfaction and eating disorders.

Therefore, we take a holistic health approach that considers both physical and mental health. We work with our clients to achieve positive behaviour changes goals in the areas of diet, sleep, stress, and exercise that lead to management of PCOS symptoms and long-term disease risk factors without a focus on weight.


At West End Women’s Health, we see the best outcomes when we take an individual approach to dietary management and work with each of our client’s current dietary patterns to make small and sustainable changes that actually work for their lifestyle.

Our goal is to decrease the insulin response, decrease systemic body inflammation and improve the satiation of meals. Rather than cutting out foods and focusing on what you can’t eat, we take an ‘add in’ approach. We focus on what foods you can add to your diet that will help manage your symptoms. Some of the dietary modifications we recommend for women with PCOS are:

  • Spacing carbohydrate throughout the day with small frequent meals
  • Choosing lower glycemic index/high fibre foods
  • Increasing plant-based protein sources
  • Starting the day with a satiating high protein breakfast
  • Adding in Omega-3 food sources such as fatty fish, flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil and chia seeds

These are just a few simple ideas that have a BIG impact on health, wellbeing, PCOS symptoms, fertility and more – of course, we will tailor them to you – so they may vary depending on your goals, medical history, and lifestyle.

Questions? Find out how nutrition for PCOS can benefit you.

Our Approach to PCOS Nutrition

At West End Women’s Health, we use an individualized approach to managing your PCOS symptoms. We offer laboratory testing and specific nutritional interventions to help cutomize a plan specific to your goals. Our PCOS program is a comprehensive lifestyle based plan to help you feeling better again.

Annabel Strickland – Nutritionist

I will work one on one with you to understand your health history, health issues and goals and outline a plan to help you reach these goals through functional testing, meal planning, recipes, supplements, and lifestyle habits. My goal is to help people feel healthier. Education is the first step, and we will work
together with small changes to make that happen.


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Questions? Learn how our acupuncturist can help you with your health goals.

Reach out to our team today to book with our nutritionist today.

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Lab Work & Assessments

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